7 tips for revising your exams

revising your exams

7 tips for revising your exams


It is important to analyze what your priorities should be and then put them forward. No more “learning 20 pages per hour”, retro-planning must be honest and above all realistic.

Beforehand, note what are the main subjects to cover. For each subject, indicate the number of chapters to learn.

Use color coding to prioritize your tasks. (For example, pink = urgent, yellow = important, blue = “I’ll see about that after I make myself some Nutella toast”).

Adopt a diet that boosts exam success

We can never tell you enough: it all starts on the plate. Choose fish, rich in omega 3 which increases your memory capacity (I promise, it works) and avoid red meat and dairy products in the evening.

Too heavy, they don’t make it easy to fall asleep. Supplement your diet with “super foods” to boost your body.

Do you want to snack? Favor dried fruits. These are rich in trace elements, mineral salts and fiber. Enough to boost your energy.

Tip for revising well: low work after dinner

In the same way that we would advise an “adult” to unwind in the evening after work (which means stopping answering emails and thinking about work), a student must take advantage of their right to disconnect. !

After dinner, the review becomes lighter, revising your exams like what you just ate. (Remember, no meals that are too heavy or you risk complicated digestion).

Don’t engage in complicated exercises. If the desire (or the need) to revise again is unbearable, just reread part of your lessons, your sheets or your diagrams, and go relax in front of a good film.

To revise well, no computer before going to bed

Do you feel like you’re reliving your adolescence while reading this? And yet, your parents were partly right… Indeed, by being on a computer screen just before going to bed, you are sending bad information to your brain.

To sleep peacefully, read a few pages of a good book just before sinking into the arms of Morpheus. And while we’re at it, what if you tried a digital detox ? Best way to stay focused during your revision period! We say that, we say nothing…

Natural anti-stress methods to revise well

Our favorites? Bach flowers, the essential oil that helps regulate mood and prevents people from losing their tempers like “I’m leaving everything behind and I’m going to raise goats in Lausanne”.

Vary your ways of revising to be more effective

You will inevitably go through monotonous phases which will discourage you. To try to bypass them, vary your revision methods  !

What if you organized a weekend with friends (no more than three) to boost your revisions?

Question/answer game, dinners animated by course questions, oral test in front of them. Nothing beats the kind gaze of a friend to improve your weak points.

Rather solitary… and a music lover? Know that there are applications for revising with music ! Open your chakras and you will see, these revisions will become an exciting game (we are hardly exaggerating).

Read the specialized and professional press

It sounds boring, but it could save your life. Did you know that many of the exam topics are taken from recent news?

You could pass your test with flying colors by simply having looked through the article in question the day before. (If this happens to you, don’t hesitate to come and give us a thank you kiss)!

Reading the press, by bringing new angles to a subject, promotes better knowledge of the subject in question. An undeniable asset for better retaining information… and for writing essays that are amazing!

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